lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014


El pinsapo es un tipo de abeto que está situado en el Sur de España, especialmente en las regiones mediterráneas de las sierras de Málaga y Cádiz. Puede alcanzar los 30 metros de altura y tiene gruesas hojas de color oscuro.

Organizacion de una excursion para el conocimiento detallado, para conocer mas a fondo este tipo de arbol:

-En primer lugar vamos a visitar la Reserva Natural de los Reales de Sierra Bermeja, en Málaga, porque es aqui donde mas cantidad de pinsapos podemos encontrar.

- Realizaremos dicho viaje en autobus, y como viajaremos unas 35 personas aproximadamente el ticket nos saldra por unos 11 euros.

- Cabría destacar que la comida no esta incluida, por lo cual unos 50 euros, habría que destinar a comida durante estos dias o llevarnos comida propia como bocadillos para estos dias lo cual no deja de ser una buena idea

- Albergue Inturjoven de Cortes de la Frontera , aqui la noche sale por 16 euros lo cual es un precio que cualquier persona de clase media

Aqui dejo un link para el posible contacto:


The Spanish fir fir is a type that is located in southern Spain , especially in the Mediterranean regions of the mountains of Malaga and Cadiz . It can reach 30 meters in height and has dark thick leaves .

Organization of an excursion to the detailed knowledge , for more in depth this type of tree :
- First we will visit the Natural Reserve of the Royal Sierra Bermeja , Málaga , because this is where most amount of firs can find.

- Make that trip by bus , and as we travel about 35 people about the ticket will leave us about 11 euros.

- It should be noted that the food is not included , so about 50 euros, would have to spend on food during these days or bring own food and snacks for those days which continues to be a good idea.

11 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. If I were you, I will change the background. We can't see the text good

  3. Your posts are very interesting Adri, I recomended to put music but good job!

  4. Hi adri i like your post but i believe that his colour is a few hard and black,the background is excellent,good job!

  5. I like your post and your blog but you can change the model!!

  6. I think you should put other colours! but it is ok

  7. Put colours and more photos!! the information is so good!!

  8. Put more images for improve the post. The information is very good and complete. Your blog in general is very interesting. Good job!

  9. More photos and colours but in general is good

  10. I like your blog in general. I think the most beutifully backgrund is yours..congratulations

  11. beautiful background image, use more highlithers, good job
