lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014



Me gustaria destacar varias cosas acerca de esta asignatura:

1.- He descubierto palabras, cosas, deportes que no conocia, he adquirido una riqueza lexica bastante importante
2.- Tengo visitas de gente y comentarios de gente que espero tambien hayan causado buena imagen en gente extranjera

3.- Tambien me gustaria destacar, que es una forma de despejarse y liberarse escribiendo posts

Cosas a mejorar, hay pocas y las pocas que hay ya han sido citadas por mis compañeros, como el numero de comentarios mínimo obligatorio, el material podriamos traerlo de clase, porque el de clase deja bastante que desear por lo demas es una asignatura que a mi personalmente me encanta, por tantos temas como trata


I would like to note several things about this subject: 

1-I found words and things, sports that did not know, I have acquired a pretty important lexical richness 

. 2 - I have views and opinions of people that I hope people also have good image caused foreign people 

. 3 - Also I would like to emphasize, that is a way to unwind and release writing posts .

Things to improve, there are few, and the few that there have already been mentioned by my peers, as the number of mandatory minimum quote, we could bring the material class, because the class leaves much to be desired by the rest is a subject that I personally love, for as many topics as is

1 comentario:

  1. Thinks a lot for your contribution , my dear...but.. will you please make a different suggestion from the ones that we have already commented in class...thanks a lot!!!
    I´m improving.
