domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014


Bueno pues esta semana nos toca llegar al blog de una profesional de esto, una persona que aunque no utiliza el blog con el mismo fin que nosotros, los alumnos de 1ºC, lo hace para expresar lo que siente (aunque quizas sea un poco extraño). Seguro que me va a gustar trabajar sobre esto.
Aqui dejo el link para los interesados

Puestos a escoger me han gustado varios siendo sinceros, pero hay uno que aunque sea corto le veo mucho significado, se titula: DIAS EXTRAÑOS
y dice asi:

En ocasiones, somos domingo

Y concluye con este video 

Grace es una mujer madura de unos 36 años, escribe desde dentro y su forma de ver la vida, escribe sobre reflexiones y sentimientos propios, se ve tímida y reservada, por eso se abre en su blog, porque quizás le cueste hacerlo en persona.


Good since we have to come this week to the blog of the professional one of this, a person that though the blog does not use with the same end that we, the pupils of 1ºC, does it to express what she feels (though probably it is a bit strange). It is sure that it me is going to like to work on this.

Set to choose I have liked several being sincere, but there is one that though it is short I see him very much important, is entitled: STRANGE DAYS and he says this way: 

In occasions, we are a Sunday

Grace is a mature woman of approximately 36 years, writes from inside and his way of seeing the life, writes on reflections and own feelings, one sees shy and reserved, because of it it is opened in his blog, because probably it is difficult to him to do it in person.

4 comentarios:

  1. Goood go , dear!!!! waiting for tomorrow´s presentation!!!!

  2. emphasis bothers you, but is a great post

  3. i do not like the black and red colour in your post... but good informations

  4. interesting post,i like the post about graceland because is a profesional that says interesting thing..
