sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014


Desde 1642 hasta 1959 los Dalai Lama ostentaron además el poder temporal en el Tíbet. Al morir cada Dalai Lama, los monjes (lamas) del Monasterio Amarillo designan a su siguiente reencarnación en un niño de corta edad, interpretando una serie de signos con arreglo a su religión; no se trata, por tanto, de una dinastía de monarcas hereditarios, sino de la máxima magistratura personal de un régimen teocrático. En el medio entre la muerte de un Lama y la mayoría de edad del siguiente, el Monasterio ejerce directamente el poder designando a un regente, al tiempo que se ocupa de la educación del futuro jefe.


From 1642 until 1959 the Dalai Lama showed in addition the temporary power in the Tibet. On having died every Dalai Lama, the monks (muds) of the Yellow Monastery designate to his following reincarnation in a child of short age, interpreting a series of signs in accordance with his religion; it is not a question, therefore, of a dynasty of hereditary monarches, but of the maximum personal magistracy of a theocratic regime. In the way between the death of a Lama and the adult age of the following one, the Monastery exercises directly the power designating a regent, at the time that it deals with the education of the future chief.

3 comentarios:

  1. I didnt know of the existence of Dali Lama, it is very interesting!! I invite you reading my blog.. Congratulations!

  2. Interesting information about Dali Lama. Your blog is very good. Good job!!

  3. I think monks's topic is very good but people is not interested in this and it is bad...
